
你喜欢去哪玩英语短文 我喜欢出去玩的英语





I like to travel .Beijing is a good place to travel.There are many perfect tourist attractions,like Tian'an Men ,Summer Place ,Great Wall.Last year l went to Beijing.I went to visit Tian'an Men .I thought it was beautiful .But I didin't went to Summer Place and Great Wall.I want to go to visit them by train next year.I think it'll be great!


I went to Guilin with my parents and my mom.

In the car, the tour guide told us: "Guilin Scenery in the world." We are in Guilin time there three days, three days, we has to go to the Reed Flute Cave, elephant trunk hill, Lijiang, Yangshuo West Street, Diecai hill, Fubo Hill, Seven Star Park, people's Square... Which I like the most is the water and mountains of Lijiang river.

, in the Reed Flute Cave, I saw the dazzling, thousands of stalagmites and Shihua: Panlong pagoda, high gorge waterfalls, Huaguo Mountain, south a column, primeval forest, red Luo Baozhang, Shiling Asaka, Crystal Palace, charactizing a fine spring day... The last hole of the time, and the "lion songke", very interesting! In Cheung Pei Shan, I see a head of elephants in the banks of the Lijiang River water, it is the city of Guilin emblem, I also wear Zhuang girl clothing here took a lot of photos?!





A two-month summer vacation is coming.To relax myself,I’m planning to go to Sanya of Hainan Island which is great for Yalongwan,Sanyawan and Dadonghai.I will stay there for a month.I am going to watch the clouds,to breath the fresh air,to swim in the clear water,to lie on the beach,and to free my soul in the beautiful view.Besides,I am going to see my grandparents.I haven’t seen them for half a year so I miss them very much.I will stay with them for about three weeks.I will help them do some housework.I will also learn how to cook because I want to prepare a meal for my grandparents.I think we will have a happy time together.

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