


1、My name is chen jieThis weekend,I#39d like to go to the cinema with my cousinThe cinema is locaded in the centre of our cityRecently,there are so many interesting filmsI hope we can have a;Where did you go to play on the weekend?祝你学习愉快 *^__^*请及时采纳,多谢;周末出去玩,一定要找让人身心放松的地方,太原这样的地方很多,比如山西晋祠博物馆漫山阁太原杏花岭等等山西晋祠博物馆,是很具有游览价值的景点,它位于山西太原市西南悬瓮山麓,是集中国古代祭祀建筑园林雕塑壁画;I heard that you were to come to study here in Taiyuan, I#39m absolutely thrilled! Please allow me to talk you briefly through the four seasons here in Taiyuan In Spring, it tends to be warm You。


2、Where would you like to visit this weekend 没问题,采纳;打英语实在太累了,交作业就不要乱编,我用中文给你写我是_我星期六上午准备和我朋友一起去爬山下午我写作业星期日上午,我玩电脑游戏下午,我和我爸爸妈妈去看望外祖父母这是我的周末计划你好像是五年级;今天是周末我和小明约好早上8点在我家楼下会合,然后一起骑着自行车去图书馆看书,周末图书馆人好多啊,于是我们就在图书馆学习了一天,直到下午五点才回去又是收获满满的一天翻译Today is the weekend Xiao Ming;沃尔得现在是正枫英语,在五一广场的英语角是少儿为主,成人每个周末在外文书店有英语角,校区是每天都有,中教一节,外教一节。


3、Taiyuan is a historic city, Gu Cheng Jinyang, was founded in about 497 BC, for the early capital of the Zhao In 246 BC, Qin Shi Huang at the world for 36 counties, Taiyuan County home early, from;Where do you plan to go on weekends?望采纳;其实世上没有什么难事,脚踏实地地抓住每一个细节,一步一个脚印,成功就会像我们招手因为成功是由一个个细节构成的我真的很棒,因为我善于注意细节历史给予我们答案,成功需要执著需要坚持并非人人都会成功,因为;Taiyuan city,Shanxi Province;去美康上剑桥英语或新概念英语吧,那里的教学方法和思路比较好而且可以学到正宗的美式口语 因为如果你开始学了不好的发音,将来改起来会困难的;Taiyuan is the political, economic, cultural and international exchange center of Shanxi Province and the innovation demonstration area of the national sustainable development agenda太原是山西省政治经济文化和国际;回答亲,由于系统更新,请重新提问你的问题,望谅解。

4、Timhello,jane,what are you going to do this weekend?Janei plan to go to huangshan this weekend,i hear that it#39s very beautiful therewhat about you?what are you plan to do this weekend?TimI don#39;动物园一日游 周末,我和弟弟姐姐们写完了作业,便和爸爸妈妈来到太原动物园游玩 动物园里有狮子老虎大象小兔斑马长颈鹿鹦鹉等对了,我还和万兽之王老虎照了一张照相呢天气太热了,爸爸给我买了一;I went to Qiushui Square with my friend Dali last weekend, Qiushui Square is in famous for fountain喷泉,when at about 9pm, the water in the pool will spray喷出with the music, it#39 s really。




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去野外带孩子去哪玩最好 带孩子出去玩哪里合适
