


You don#39t have to work today, do you。

oday is Saturday, my parents don#39t have to go to work, so I went to visit the pond brother home with my father and mother Along the way, a kind of unknown flowers came into my eyes From a;go to work 去上班 1It was time for him to go to work 他该去上班了2I had a cold and couldn#39t decide whether to go to work or not 我感冒了,拿不定主意是否要去上班3I used to;quotWhy did not meet you last thursday?quot“上个星期四,怎么没有遇见你呢?”quotDo you have a happy time in this weekend?quot“这个周末过得开心吗?”quot have no weekend is the matter of a pain really!However,can;不会说不要误导好么,Where did you play today?语法都不对也好意思发;He did not go to work today如果他今天休班,不用上班可以用 He is off today。

英文原文Where shall we have fun today ?英式音标we#601 #643#230l #643#601l wi#720 h#230v f#652n t#601#712de#618 ?美式音标w#603r;很多中说法 简单的列出几种吧 You don#39t work today?You are free today?Haven#39t you worked today?Didn#39t you work today;Where did you go to play on the weekend?祝你学习愉快 *^__^*请及时采纳,多谢;可以啦,但还是稍稍建议一下,我个人觉得这样说的话有些重,所以建议改为 I#39m off today 这样会较为口语化有问题我帮你哈 参考资料英语牛人团。


这要看说话人当时的情景了 如果是当时说话人也在上班,而他还没来,可以用 He has not gone to work today而如果只是单纯的陈述这个事实 He did not go to work today如果他今天休班,不用上班可以用 He is off;I have to work tomorrow,it#39s a little lateso let#39s play together next time。

我生气,今天都没有去上班 I am angry, and I don#39t go to work today;我今天不用去上班 I don#39t have to go to work today 很高兴为您解答,希望对您有所帮助,满意烦请采纳 点击采纳为满意答案按钮即可,万分感谢*^__^*;Where do we go to play? 祝你学习愉快 *^__^* 请及时采纳,多谢。





