


picnic in the park,too When we finished the picnic, we picked up the rubbish and threw it into the dusbin We thought it was our duty to make the environment clean We had a good time that day。


吃完午饭就去散步我们看到一些美丽的鸟和蝴蝶大约散了一个小时的步之后,我们回到停放自行车的地方骑车回家回到家中已经很晚了,也累坏了,但是,我们都很喜欢这次出游,因为这是我们最有意思的一次周末出游希望可以帮;Last weekend,I went to Beijing with my firendThe weather was sunny and hotFirst we visited the Great WallThere were lots of people on the Great WallThe next day,we visited the Palace Museum and;weekend I can live very happy回答你可以说开小车去回答简单一点的提问那你可以写你周末跟同学去动物园玩了,坐公交车去去看动物就得了回答然后写出来了,再用英文一句一句的去翻译回答;Where did you go to play on the weekend?祝你学习愉快 *^__^*请及时采纳,多谢;AHey, how about go to have a trip this weekend?B Do you have any good idears in your mind?A We can go to Center steet, there are many beautiful buildings and many good food shopsits a very。

You planes to play with friends at weekend and you wonders where and when to meet themYou may ask,quotWhere an d when shall we meet? quot;你的英语很厉害吗我可不会我周末和往常一样在上班,除了过节有休息其他的都在忙;上海的英语爱好者,可以去复旦大学,华东师范大学,上海外国语大学等院校的英语角活动此外,浦东百脑汇对面的Family English和静安公园英语角也是不错的活动场所;没有字数限定?没有语境?Next weekend,my friends and I will go to the Walden LakePlease take along enough water and confortable clothes,and sunglasses is necessaryPlease take good care of yourself when swim;Student who likes to park you must? Like you I also enjoy playing Go to the park I have been at the park, I think of the children#39s park Huzhou most fun, most people are not willing to leave;您好,关于“上周末去哪里”的作文可以从一些几个方面来写1确定时态一般过去时和人物my friends and I2确定事情saw a film,visited the science museum,studied for a test3写自己的。


下个周末,我打算和好朋友,谁谁,谁谁,和谁谁,去神马神马地方,我们打算乘神码去从几点到极点,我们打算在神马地方怎么样的做神马我们打算去看些神马,吃些神马打算在几点回我想我们一定会过一个肿么样的周末的,我十分;Timhello,jane,what are you going to do this weekend?Janei plan to go to huangshan this weekend,i hear that it#39s very beautiful therewhat about you?what are you plan to do this weekend?TimI don#39;英语作文和朋友去公园玩 This morning, a friend and I went to the park near our homeThe flowers and trees are very beautifulThere are many people in the riverside parkAn old man is fishingMany;As we all know, we have much homework everyday,altough it is on SatudayAfter getting up in the morning,I have to do my homework on SaturdayIn the afternoon,I have piano lessons,and in the evening,I。





